At Grijalva Cattle Co. (Gree-hal-va), we’re about healthy animals raised on high-quality forage and feed to produce exceptional meat and eggs. Longhorn beef is the lowest in saturated fat of all beef, chicken, and turkey but the highest in protein and iron of all beef. All our meat is packed with flavor and high in healing nutrients like magnesium, selenium, omega-3 fats, B and E, biotin, and amino acids; 3 oz of Longhorn beef has as much zinc as 10 cans of tuna fish. But healthy doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice flavor; many customers tell us that once they try Longhorn, they’re hooked.


the Bounty Box

Introducing our monthly CSA subscription from May-Dec. Each box contains a selection of meats from our farm: Texas Longhorn beef, considered to be one of the most heart-healthy proteins on Earth, pasture-raised chicken, and eggs.

To complement the meats, we will include unique recipes and seasonal pairings. Each month, our boxes feature a variety of our farm-made seasonings and salts, jams, salsas, and sauces, as well as thoughtfully selected local products like honey, sourdough bread, and dairy products. We’re partnering with nearby farmers to grow produce that perfectly complements the contents of our seasonal box, delivering an authentic farm-to-table experience.

We are currently collecting emails from folks interested in subscribing to our 2025 CSA. For our first year, we will limit the number of customers to the first 25 to subscribe. Invitations to join will go out on April 2nd.

Your email is safe with us; we will never sell or redistribute your information to any third party or abuse the use of your contact information.

Visit The Farm Store or Book A Farmstay

222 Northwest Corner Road, North Stonington, CT 06359 / Look for the old green Ford and drive up to the black barn

Our subscription “Bounty Box” CSA is coming soon. Text or email to schedule a visit this winter or come see us this spring. Opening March 21st, 2025.


  • Per Texas A&M the Nutrient Density of Beef from Texas Longhorn Compared to three popular meat cuts. Based on a 3.5 oz Serving. Measured in grams.

    Texas Longhorn Ground Beef
    Calories: 140
    Protein: 25.5
    Fat: 3.7
    Cholesterol: 61.5

    Angus Ground Beef
    Calories: 289
    Protein: 24.1
    Fat: 20.7
    Cholesterol: 90.0

    Chicken White Meat
    Calories: 173
    Protein: 30.9
    Fat: 4.5
    Cholesterol: 85.7

    Pork Chops
    Calories: 202
    Protein: 30.2
    Fat: 8.1
    Cholesterol: 82.7

  • Longhorns, like other cattle, are ruminant animals with a unique digestive system designed to efficiently break down grasses. While they primarily graze on abundant sweetgrass, these opportunistic animals also forage for other nutritious sources in their environment, such as acorns and hickory nuts. We have several cows that have unique tastes, one loves bananas and several are big fans of squash and pumpkins.

    At our farm, our Longhorns enjoy a diet rich in perennial grasses, legumes, and plants. We rotate them between open pastures and silvopasture areas, allowing them to explore and feed in semi-forested spaces. To ensure their optimal health and weight, we supplement their diet with minerals, protein, and locally sourced grains. This careful attention not only promotes a healthy herd but also enhances the quality and flavor of our grass-fed Longhorn beef. This natural foraging approach results in several benefits: lower environmental impact, reduced carbon footprint, and healthier animals. In turn, our forage-fed Longhorns produce tender, flavorful meat packed with essential nutrients like zinc, magnesium, selenium, B, E, A, D, omega-3 fats, iron, and available amino acids. The finished beef has just the right amount of fat marbling and is packed with flavor and tenderness, making it a favorite among our customers.

  • The meat chickens on the farm are non-GMO “Freedom Rangers” broiler chickens raised in chicken tractors. Tractors are movable coops/pens that move across the pasture daily after the cattle have eaten the grass. The chickens work as little tillers, scratching and turning the soil. At the same time, they eat, propagate and fertilize, creating a healthy agroecosystem that replenishes the soil and encourages plant regrowth, which benefits wildlife and pollinators. They consume a high-protein diet of insects and plants, which supply phytonutrients, protein, energy, vitamins, and minerals. Resulting in meat that is very flavorful but never gamey.

  • We’ve been raising hens for eggs for nearly two decades. We love the variation of the different breeds and the eggs that are as beautiful as they are delicious. Our hens and one rooster forage daily on pasture and soil. This gives the yolk a decadent, almost sweet flavor and a rich marigold orange color. Eggs are packed with nutrition, and when cooked on low heat, they provide amino acids, which are the building blocks of muscle. Eggs are indeed one of the most perfect foods on the planet. We thank our beautiful hens daily for the bounty.